Sunday, June 26, 2016

6-1-2016  back to Georgia:

Our "vacation" was over.  Time to get back to our new apartment in Buford, Georgia, and start a new page of our lives.  Nice that we can get from one home to the other in about 9 hours now instead of driving for 2 days!  Not so nice to get back to our new apartment after 11pm and find a series of obstacles!  First our gate key wouldn't work, but someone arrived shortly after us so we followed them in.  Then our garage door opener didn't work---we had requested it be fixed because it made a terrible racket every time it opened and closed---apparently they replaced the opener so we had to get new remotes.  When we did get in our apartment we found a big section of the rug in our living room was soaked!  Apparently our A/C line blocked up and overflowed.  Not sure why, but here they have the A/C units locked away in the kitchens.  So Ken was quick to get on the phone and get maintenance over.  So at midnight, maintenance was clearing the line  and using a wet-vac to pull as much of the water out of the rug as he could.  Bet our neighbors loved that!  Those wet vacs are LOUD! At least we didn't have to do any of the work. He even brought a large fan over and we had it blowing over the rug for a couple days---until someone else's A/C line clogged up.  
Not quite the same start to the year that we had last year when we moved into our Coral Springs apartment.  But---it can only get better!

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