Thursday, October 12, 2017

10-12-17  Pickleball!!!

FInally!!!!  I've found a group I feel comfortable in!  I was searching for more places to play volleyball or pickleball and came across this place in Suwanee (Suwanee Sports Club---or something like that).  They had pickleball listed from 11-1 on Tues. and Thurs.  That was perfect timing for me and Suwanee is close to us.  So I went.  Tues. we had 9 people there and 2 nets up.  They are a great group of people---mostly older like me, but with a few young or middle aged adults, too.  They are also all very good, but happy to have a newbie like me show up.  I had played twice before and had a very basic idea of how to play---somewhat like a mix between tennis and ping pong.  They were eager to coach me along and I think I've progress quite well for the short time I've played.  It is a lot of fun!!!  Thurs we only had 5 people, but the sitting out every 5th game was welcomed.  I'm happy to see that my heart and surgically repaired knee are doing just fine with the 2 hours of play.  Not so happy that my "good" knee is pretty sore for a couple days afterwards.  Hope that's just a getting accustomed to the new activity phase! 
The complex is mostly for volleyball clinics.  I hoped they would have adult volleyball, too, but they said there wouldn't be enough interest.
 A couple of the regulars. 
 A couple more.  Don't let the old people fool you!!!  They are quite the proficient players!!! 
So for $5 a day, or $25/month, I hope to be here a lot! 

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